Photography and Life Updates

July 07, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Into VermontThe ViewThe view from my new home in Washington County, NY Photo By Eric Jenks


Hi Folks,


I want to first say thank you to everyone that pitched in back in February towards my goal. I raised $1200 towards my car, and it helped a lot. I took home a 2012 Jetta, and it has been treating me well since the accident. I've healed up physically, and mentally I'm getting there. I still get weirded out a bit driving at night when I see headlights coming towards me, but it's not bad. For those of you who don't know, I was hit by a drunk driver in February. Thankfully I saw him swerve into my lane, and I was able to hit the brakes and ditch my car about 3 ft into a snow bank. The other driver is currently awaiting trial.


In the good news section of my personal life, I've met a beautiful woman, bought a house with her and asked her to marry me! Hopefully early fall next year we'll tie the knot on our property. The cover photo for this blog post is the view from our hillside. It's a bit like waking up on vacation every morning. 



Now onto the photography!

Jake & Julia 2014Jake and JuliaJake and Julia during their engagement session

I've been crazy busy with work! A good thing. I've picked up a few new clients in the journalism world (New York Daily News being the largest), and I've also been transitioning more into the private sector with weddings, engagement shoots, portraits, and event work. I have to say I like the change. I get to be involved with my clients more, it's a bit less stringent on deadlines (I rarely get called to shoot a wedding the day before!) so I know my schedule more in advance, and it's fun work. With the giant barn on the property, I'm working on building a studio inside for rainy day shoots.


Dorset QuarryDorset QuarryThe old marble quarry in Dorset, VT Photo By Eric Jenks


My personal photography has been focused more on landscapes lately than on people, and capturing the things that are nearby my new home in Washington County, NY. I've been traveling with my leica more than a DSLR, and it is liberating not to haul around 30 lbs of gear to take shots. The M8 is going strong, though recently I've returned to film with a Contax IIa Color Dial from 1956. Film had been put on the back burner for quite a while due to time and money, but I'm hoping to shoot more in the near future. Waiting on the return of film from a trip to the botanical gardens in NYC, Landscapes and portraits with my Hasselblad, Rollieflex, and Nikon F100. Precision Camera is doing the processing and scanning, giving me 25 MP scans from the negatives. Not too shabby. I've got quite a bit of B&W to finish up too, which I'll have processed locally at McGreevy down in Albany, and scan myself. It's just fun to be able to make photographs with equipment that is from the 1950's or older. If you've never shot film, you should give it a go. You might find it rewarding to have to wait to see how your vision has been realized.

Roots, Auger FallsRootsRoots of a tree by Auger Falls in Hamilton County, NY Photo By Eric Jenks

That's all for now,



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